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      New Year’s Eve is an excellent time to visit Georgia, to get acquainted with the rich historical, cultural, and also culinary traditions of this beautiful country and when you will be going back home you will certainly take away with you unforgettable impressions and warm emotions. So, what are the main reasons to celebrate New Year and Christmas in Georgia?

      New Year in Tbilisi

      Tsminda Sameba cathedral


      1st reason – New Year in Tbilisi

      If you want to spend the main holiday of the year on the open air in a large and noisy company, feel free to visit the capital of Georgia! Pre-holiday Tbilisi all sparkles with bright lights, an evening stroll through the city will allow you to plunge into the dreamy atmosphere of the upcoming celebrations. The holiday itself takes place here with huge celebrations: concerts and parties with dances and fireworks are organized on the squares of the city.

      Holiday fireworks in Tbilisi

      David Agmashenebeli Avenue


      2nd reason – Georgian Cuisine

      Georgian cuisine is very rich in flavors and original selection of aromatic spices for each dish. Thus, a traditional New Year’s table is able to surprise even gourmets. Here you can taste turkey with satsivi (walnut sauce) and khachapuri with various cheese fillings, roasted pork, eggplant rolls with garlic and spicy herbs and creamy curd cheese nadugi.

      Georgian cuisine

      Georgian cuisine


      3rd – Sweet Fairy-Tale

      Georgian New Year is a real paradise for those who have sweet tooth! After all, it is not for nothing that legends about the traditional eastern sweets are spread, and it is believed in Georgia that the sweeter the table, the “sweeter” will be the coming year. Nuts with honey, sweet bakery, melting in а mouth gozinaki and many types of churchkhela – this is not a complete list of sweets that will certainly be presented on the New Year’s table!

      Georgian desserts

      Georgian sweets


      4th – Georgian wine

      Well, since we are talking about a holiday cuisine, we should mention the wonderful Georgian wines, without which a single table can be set. Dry, sweet and dessert, with a light fruity or harmonious tart aroma – here you will find wine for every taste. Among the most famous Georgian wines are “Saperavi”, “Rkatsiteli”, “Tsinandali”, “Manavi”, “Mukuzani”, “Pirosmani”, “Kindzmarauli” and others.

      Georgian wine

      Georgian wine


      5th – Georgian customs

      You will discover a lot of interesting concerning New Year traditions in Georgia. Even local Santa Clause – Tovlis Babua is very different from the usual one, and instead of a red-white dress wears a snow-white burka “nabadi”. Moreover, the first guest, crossing a threshold in the new year, “Mekvle,” can bring happiness, or vice versa, failure. In addition to the traditional Christmas tree in Georgia, you will be able to decorate “chichilaki” – a small Christmas tree from a hazel branch. Chichilaks are burnt at the end of the New Year’s holiday in order to get rid of all bad and negative things.


      Tovlis Babua


      6th – Georgian Songs

      As it is known, you will never see any dinner without beautiful songs in Georgia. Of course, New Year and Christmas are not the exception. There is a custom to play “Mravaljameer” – a traditional anthem to longevity, life, peace and well-being.

      Georgian national music

      Georgian national songs


      7th – Toasts and Legends

      Georgian toasts and stories told around a table are certainly worthy of mentioning. Well, where can you hear a lot of the most beautiful toasts, legends and stories worthy of composing a whole book?

      Georgische Toasts

      New Year with ONE WAY TOUR


      8th – Active holidays

      Do you want to balance New Year holidays with extreme rest and enjoy your favorite winter sports? In that case, Georgia offers you to spend an unforgettable time at one of the high-class ski resorts. You can choose one of the five main resorts: Gudauri, Bakuriani, Mestia, Goderdzi or Tetnuldi.

      Active rest in Georgia

      Georgia welcomes extreme lovers


      9th – Full Excursions Programs

      Guests are always welcomed in Georgia and since they are expected to be a great number on New Year’s holiday, many agencies are developing and offering special excursion programs for this period. Thus, accepting the most appropriate offer, you cannot only have fun celebrating New Year, but also get acquainted with the main local attractions.

      Bridge of Peace, Tbilisi



      10th – Family Holidays

      As you know, New Year and Christmas are at the top in family holiday’s list. Make an unforgettable gift for family and friends, coming at this time of the year to Georgia with the whole family! You can have an interesting and entertaining time here and celebrate New Year in one of the local restaurants with a unique atmosphere and original Georgian cuisine.

      Family holidays in Georgia

      Family holidays in Georgia


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