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      +374 96 362131

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      +374 98 362131



      A trip to Armenia is a pleasant and fascinating adventure, memories of which will remain with you for a long time. We have no doubt that you will decide to take with you something that will remind you of the hospitable atmosphere and special spirit of Armenia. Moreover, it is certainly worth getting a memento for anyone else. For sure, you will share your impressions with friends and family; give them some souvenirs from the trip during talking! So, let us help you decide what to choose!

      Armenian pomegranate

      Armenian national dolls


      What souvenir can you bring from Armenia for a woman?

      Of course, jewelry will be the most desirable gift for girls and women. Moreover, it is not about something standard, but about original and unique works; nearly each piece is made in a few copies, or even is the only one. For centuries, Armenian jewelers have been famous for their art of jewelry making. You can buy unusual silver and gold items here at quite available price. Another interesting gift will be handbags or tablecloths in the national style. You can also purchase a small carpet or original clay dishes made by local craftsmen.

      Armenian jewelry

      National gifts for women


      What souvenir can you bring from Armenia for a man?

      Perhaps one of the main associations connected with Armenia is the Armenian brandy. The range of cognac and wine is widely represented in any major store. You can also purchase gift options for alcoholic drinks, bottled in the most bizarre form. An unusual gift that perfectly symbolizes Armenia can be a local musical instrument – duduk, which in recent years has gained popularity around the world. Do you want to surprise anybody? Then you can present handmade chess or backgammon.

      Handmade chess



      What souvenir can you bring from Armenia for a child?

      What do you think the children will be happy for? Well, of course, many goodies! Here is a large variety of choice! Perhaps the largest assortment can be found in local markets, where tourists often visit specially for sweets. You will find all kinds of candied fruits and dried fruits, some of which you have never heard of, “sweet lavash” made from fruits and many types of “sweet sujukh” with nuts. Local confectionery factories also produce original chocolates with a combination of nuts and dried fruits; they can be purchased in stores in Yerevan.

      Armenian sweets

      Armenian chocolate


      What souvenirs can you buy from Vernissage in Yerevan?

      Vernissage is a favorite place for tourists in Yerevan . It is an open-air market of handmade products. Here you can purchase all of the above mentioned and much more. Along with the products of the masters, old coins, dishes, and antiques are sold here. Here you can also buy all kinds of products from “volcanic glass” – obsidian.



      This stone is very common in Armenia, and craftsmen make anything from it, from original ashtrays and decorative vases to office accessories and jewelry. Walking around the Vernissage, you can not only choose gifts for people of any gender and age, but also see many interesting things, and just admire the exquisitely made products from metal, wood, clay and stone.

      National carpets and rugs

      Handmade items


      Book incoming tour packages, private tours and regular daily tours in ONE WAY TOUR tour agency and we will help you to discover Armenia.