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      If you did not manage to come to Armenia for vacation in summer, do not worry! Autumn is a great time to visit this hospitable country and get acquainted with its beautiful nature, ancient traditions and rich historical and cultural heritage. Most destinations for country trips and excursions are available in Armenia in autumn. In addition, most fruit ripens during this time of the year, so you will have a great chance to try local peaches, watermelons, melons, figs or grapes, which have a special “sunny” taste.      

      Lake Gosh

      Armenian fruits


      What to see in Armenia in Autumn?

      Quite warm Armenian autumn favors almost all types of out-of-town excursions or hiking. In the first half of September, the beach season continues on Lake Sevan, where you can relax with the whole family. You can also visit the curative mineral springs of Jermuk, the resort areas of Tsakhkadzor or Dilijan with crystal clear mountain air and picturesque views. The nature of Armenia in autumn is very beautiful, the climate is quite dry allowing you to fully enjoy all the charm of this time of year: walking along dry, rustling foliage and admiring red and “golden” shades of leaves.

      Sevanavank monastery

      Autumn Dilijan


      Weather in Armenia in Autumn

      Weather generally remains quite warm and sometimes even hot  in Armenia in the beginning of autumn. The temperature can still keep around +30 degrees in the capital in the daytime, in the evenings it gets a little cooler than in the summer months. By the middle of the month, the heat recedes, but weather remains warm and quite pleasant. The air temperature drops to + 20-22 degrees. Most of the season is dry, precipitation mostly begins at the very end of November. In mountainous areas, weather changes are more pronounced, frosts can already be observed towards evening and at night in October.

      Yerevan Cascade

      Weather in Armenia


      Holidays and events in Autumn

      September 21 is one of the main holidays of modern Armenia – Independence Day. As a rule, the celebration begins with the parade on the Republic Square in the morning and continues in the streets of the city in the form of concerts, performances and various entertainment events. The holiday closes towards the night, with a grandiose fireworks on the central square.

      Parade in Republic Square

      Fireworks in Republic Square

      Autumn is the time for harvesting, so one of the most interesting holidays is timed to it – Areni Wine Festival. The wine festival is traditionally held in October in wine village Areni, which is one of the favorite places of many tourists. 

      Tasting of Armenian wine

      Winemaking in Armenia

      You will certainly not regret if you add Areni Festival in the program of your trip: you will have a great time tasting the best varieties of Armenian wines, as well as cheeses, lavash and various kinds of national pastries. Here you can take part in events with folk songs and dances, which will give ​​unforgettable impressions.

      Areni Wine Festival

      Areni wine factory


      Tours and excursions in Armenia in Autumn

      Our travel agency will gladly offer you a large selection of excursion programs for autumn 2024. Classic tours will allow you to get acquainted with the main historical and architectural monuments of the country (Garni, Geghard, Sevanavank, Tatev, Khndzoresk, etc.). Special tours will make it possible to make stunning photos of the most breathtaking sceneries, learn more about local traditions and taste the best dishes of national cuisine. Weather conditions of Armenia are quite suitable for active vacation, if you want to go on a hiking trip or horse riding tour. You can also find several types of more affordable budget tours.


      Garni Temple


      Book incoming tour packages, private tours and regular daily tours in ONE WAY TOUR tour agency and we will help you to discover Armenia.