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      Yerevan, feel the warmness… a red, two-storey bus, which is parked in city center, welcomes everybody with this expression. And this expression is not accidental. It doesn’t matter how you arrive at Yerevan – by plane, car or bicycle, you feel the warmness as soon as you step into this small but friendly city. And we do not mean the hot weather of summer at all. We speak about the warmness that locals and the city itself will make you feel. 

      This is a capital of a country, the history of which dates not hundred years back, but thousands years. Is considered the cradle of Christianity. And if you are one thousands lucky people, during whose visit the weather is fine, then you can enjoy the marvelous look of Ararat from each corner of the city.

      In order to see and discover the city you should just forget about time (although city itself will make you forget about and) and walk. The best place to start exploring the city probably is Mashtots avenue. On the left side you will find the Closed market built in 50s of last century and on he right side the blue mosque of 18th century.

      Parajanov’s house-museum and Modern art museum situated near the Closed market will definitely attract art lovers attention.

      A bit further, just in Mashtots park there is a piano, on which everyone can play but walkers prefer skilled players.

      Just in the centre of avenue stands National Academic theater of Opera and Ballet which symbolizes the glory and power of the Armenian nation and which is surrounded by statues of outstanding people.

      Next to Armenian Opera theater is the kingdom of white stairs Cascade with its museums, fountains, flower beds and bas-reliefs. Very often it becomes cultural centre of the city. Folk songs and music in Cascade assemble all familiars and unfamiliar on the last Fridays of each month. The spirit that prevails here will not leave anyone indifferent.

      In case of going up with stairs, you will find yourself in Victory Park from where the monument of Mother Armenia oversees the whole city.

      The last point on Mashtots avenue is the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts commonly referred to as the Matenadaran, which is one of the world’s richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books.

      After visiting the Matenadaran, it is worth walking through Abovyan street where were and are many cultural centers. You won’t know much about history of Yerevan unless you visit Erebuni Museum and Arin berd where Erebuni fortress was built 2798 years ago. On your way to Erebuni you’ll have the chance to see the statue of the main hero of Armenia’s national epic David of Sassoun (Sasuntsi Davit) which embodies the spirit and courage of the whole nation.

      Besides Victory park there is also Victory Bridge which is to commemorate the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany at the end of World War II.  It would be unforgivable not to visit Armenian Brandy factory standing on a high plateau at the other end of the Victory Bridge and not get acquainted with the history of Armenian brandy, taste the invigorating drink.

      From here, 44 meter-high memorial will attract your attention which is dedicated to victims of the Genocide carried out in 1915 and which introduces the historical events of the last century.

      On Hrazdans riverside (a river that divides the city into two parts), on Tsitsernakaberd hill is situated Sports and Concerts Complex which stands out for its architectural splendour.

      The end of a busy day can be spent in the heart of the city – Republic Square, the architectural perfection of which is complemented by the singing fountains.

      After all, you will certainly fall in love with this great city, it will fascinate you with its magic colours, and you will become a part of Yerevan’s pallete, in which bright colours are myriad…

      Author: Shushan Soghomonyan