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      Goris is located in the south of Armenia in Syunik province, about 4 hours’ drive from Yerevan. Goris is a small city, but it is located in a very unusual and interesting area. The city itself and its surroundings are rich in both historical, cultural and natural attractions. So, what are the top 10 of them that you should definitely see during your visit to Goris?

      Syunik Province

      Syunik Province


      Goris “Stone Forest”

      “Stone Forest” is an unusual natural phenomenon, apparently of volcanic origin. This territory, located on the mountain slopes, is covered with many small narrow peaked rocks, stone pillars and boulders of the most unusual and bizarre forms. The area really resembles some kind of fantastic “forest” with petrified “trees”.

      Goris "stone forest"

      Goris "stone forest"


      The Caves of Khndzoresk

      The unique “cave city” Khndzoresk is located about 8 km from Goris. 2-3-storey caves served as dwellings and shelters for people from prehistoric times until the first half of the 20th century. Some of the caves have a completely natural origin, but their interior was later expanded by local residents.

      The Caves of Khndzoresk

      The Caves of Khndzoresk


      Devil’s Bridge and Healing springs

      Devil’s Bridge (Satani Kamurj) is an amazing miraculous structure created by nature. The bridge is about 30 meters long and 50-60 meters wide. On the lower part of the bridge, you can see a natural “decoration” – stalactites, which give the bridge an even more threatening and at the same time mesmerizing appearance.

      There are healing springs nearby, water into which flows from many cracks in the rocks. You can even swim here in small natural stone “pools”.

      Devil's Bridge

      Devil's Bridge


      Tatev Monastery

      Tatev Monastery is located almost next to the Devil’s Bridge. The graceful white-stone building stands almost at the very edge of a steep cliff, as if soaring over a deep abyss.

      Tatev Monastery

      Tatev Monastery


      Wings of Tatev

      The “Wings of Tatev” cable car is the fastest way to get to Tatev monastery, getting a lot of unforgettable impressions along the way. “Wings of Tatev” is considered the longest cable car of this type in the world. An exciting flight on the “Wings of Tatev” will last about 12 minutes and will give you the opportunity to enjoy just a fabulous view of the gorge and the monastery.

      “Wings of Tatev” cable car

      “Wings of Tatev” cable car



      Karahunj is an amazing ancient megalithic complex reminiscent of the world-famous Stonehenge. There are more than 220 cut stones here, standing upright in a certain order. The height of the megaliths is from 150 to 280 cm. Many scientists suggest that Karahunj was once an ancient analog of the modern observatory.




      Lake Sev (Lake Black) Reserve

      Lake Black (Sev Lich) is located at an altitude of 2658 meters in the crater of an extinct volcano. The entire surrounding area is a protected area, you can find a huge number of unique species of animals and plants here.

      Lake Sev (Lake Black) Reserve

      Lake Sev (Lake Black) Reserve


      Workshop “Goris Crochet”

      This workshop can also be considered a local landmark. Goris needlewomen create here small knitted “masterpieces” – rugs, handbags, key rings, toys … Tourists are happy to take away “Goris Crochet” products as souvenirs.

      Workshop "Goris Crochet"

      Workshop "Goris Crochet"


      Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church

      Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church is a relatively “young” landmark – it was founded in 1903. The church is in excellent condition and serves as an example of classical Armenian architecture.

      Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church

      Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church


      Book incoming tour packages, private tours and regular daily tours in ONE WAY TOUR tour agency and we will help you to discover Armenia.