Shahmourad Monastery
Distance from Yerevan
6.5 km
Shahmourad (Shkhmurad or Getetakht) monastery complex, hidden in Tavush forests, was built in XIII century. It is located in Verin Tsakhkavan village of Tavush province. The Varagajur River flows on the lower part of the monastery. The monastery complex was surrounded by an enclosure and monk cells that are now destroyed. Shahmourad monastery complex consists of a church, a chapel and two narthexes. There is a cemetery named after Shahmourad not far from the eastern side of the monastery.
facts about Shahmourad Monastery
Weather in Yerevan
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Shahmourad Monastery depends on the weather conditions.
Shahmourad Monastery on the map on Armenia