Yerevan Zoo
Distance from Yerevan
7 km
Yerevan Zoo was founded in 1940. There are about 183 species of animals that survived and are being breeded from the extinction in the Armenian wildlife. Here are wild animals and birds, hyenas, bezoar goats, wild pigs, mountain partridges, Armenian mountain steppe vipers and other reptiles, fish. 34 species preserved in the park are registered in International Wildlife Protection Agency and 50 in the Red Book of Armenia.
facts about Yerevan Zoo


Weather in Yerevan
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Yerevan Zoo depends on the weather conditions.
Yerevan Zoo on the map on Armenia