Goshavank Monastery
Distance from Yerevan
117.4 km
Surrounded by amazing forests and hills Goshavank Monastery is located in the village of Gosh, 15 km east of Dilijan resort city. This pearl of Armenian architecture used to be one of the exceptional universities in the Middle Ages. Goshavank is a unique monastic complex in its style, it includes all the merits of medieval architecture. It should be noted that the buildings of the monastic complex are in harmony with the luxurious nature of the place.
facts about Goshavank Monastery


Weather in Tavush
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Goshavank monastery depends on the weather conditions.
Goshavank Monastery on the map on Armenia