Arkazi Monastery
Vayots Dzor
Distance from Yerevan
136.8 km
"Historical information about the Arkazi Monastery dates back to the 8th century. According to tradition, when Princess Byureghik of Armenia provided immense assistance in retrieving the stolen relic of Christ’s Holy Cross from Persia, she was granted a fragment of the cross. She enshrined it at this location, leading to the monastery being named Surb Khach (Holy Cross). Due to this significant historical event, the Arkazi monastic complex continues to attract thousands of pilgrims to this day. Architecturally, the church follows a basilica style and is constructed from sandstone. In recent years, a refectory and rooms for pilgrims have also been built."
facts about Arkazi Monastery


Weather in Vayots Dzor
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Arkazi Monastery depends on the weather conditions.
Arkazi Monastery on the map on Armenia