Yerevan Pond
Distance from Yerevan
7.5 km
"Yerevan Lake was built in 1970 on the Hrazdan River, on the site of the former village of Nor Koghb. Initially, Yerevan Lake was created as a reservoir for irrigation water storage. When the water level drops, the remains of an old bridge that once connected the two sides of the river become visible. Considering Yerevan’s dry climate, it should be noted that Yerevan Lake significantly mitigates the city's microclimate. Since 2021, several improvements have been made in the lake area, including the construction of a modern park, and the pollution levels of the lake have been minimized."
facts about Yerevan Pond


Weather in Yerevan
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Lake Yerevan depends on the weather conditions.
Yerevan Pond on the map on Armenia