Yeghegnadzor Regional Museum was founded in 1968. The museum is the center of cultural values and scientific researches of Vayots Dzor province. The museum comprises numerous ancient treasures discovered in Vayots Dzor, including unique artifacts tracing back to various historic periods. The ancient collection has significant importance for studying not only the history of the region but also the history of Armenia as a whole. Rich materials related to the history, habits, believes, life style and traditions of this region, from the 17th through the 20th centuries, are included in the ethnographical collection of the museum and are of unique value. The region’s history of the modern period is summerized in various valuable collections containing documents and archives.
The well-established transport infrastructure of Armenia allows to get to Yeghegnadzor Regional Museum by a private car or with the help of various travel companies which offer regular excursions and tours to different sights of the country. Due to the geographical location of Yeghegnadzor Regional Museum the trip will not seem long.
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Yeghegnadzor Regional Museum depends on the weather conditions.
Undoubtedly, the unique khachkar occupies a special place in the museum; it consists of three parts: the upper, the middle and the lower. The upper part symbolizes the sky, the lower - the earth, and the cross in the middle part is a connection between the earth and the sky. You can see the hidden inscription on the top of the khachkar.
1 km
20 km
22 km