The museum was opened in 1982 July 6. It is the only cultural centre of Tsaghkadzor. There are 1700 exhibits in the museum. The museum was organized by the stuff members of the museum together with Orbelis’ relatives, friends and pupils, who presented to the museum what was left from the belongings of the brothers Orbeli. All this exhibited in the halls spreads light on the life and scientific activity of the Orbeli family.
The well-established transport infrastructure of Armenia allows to get to Orbeli Brothers House - Museum by a private car or with the help of various travel companies which offer regular excursions and tours to different sights of the country. Due to the geographical location of Orbeli Brothers House - Museum the trip will not seem long.
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Orbeli Brothers House - Museum depends on the weather conditions.
The interior and the exhibits guarantee the instructive and the emotional perception of the museum making it interesting.
1 km
3 km
32 km