Distance from Yerevan
139.5 km
Lastiver is a unique place where the wonderful, fairy-tale Armenian nature and human handiwork are intertwined. This paradise is located in the gorge of the Khachaghbyur River in Tavush province, 3 km from Yenokavan village. There is a charming cozy corner, surrounded by dense forests; here you can admire the centuries-old caves, a beautiful waterfall and unique beautiful small huts and houses built on the trees which welcome and captivate their guests. The caves are located on the edge of a huge gorge, and people had built stairs from logs to climb there. These stairs were more like a raft (in Armenian raft is “last, lastanav”) than a ladder, and that made people to name this place Lastiver.
facts about Lastiver


Weather in Tavush
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Lastiver depends on the weather conditions.
Lastiver on the map on Armenia