Gazanchetsots Church
Distance from Yerevan
206.3 km
Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots Church is considered the center of Artsakh Diocese of Apostolic Church. It is the main temple of Shushi, built in 1868-1887. After Gandzasar, it is the second most important spiritual center of Artsakh. It consists of a church (1868-1887) and a bell tower (1858). Currently, the residence of the priest of Artsakh Diocese is located here. Consecrated in September 1888. on the 20th. Ghazanchetsots Church of Shushi, built of sacred milky limestone, is one of the largest Armenian churches (35 m long, 23 m wide and 35 m high).
facts about Gazanchetsots Church


Weather in Artsakh
Due to the pleasant climatic conditions, the high tourist season in Armenia lasts quite a long time. From March to late fall, days are warm, and winter usually doesn't last long. The pronounced seasonality of precipitation is variable. Seasonality of tours to Ghazanchetsots Church depends on weather conditions.