A wealthy trader, Petros Dzitoghtsyan, constructed the renowned house in 1872. The four siblings initially from Dzitogh village in Western Armenia moved to Alexandropol. During the earthquakes of 1926 and 1988, the building did not suffer even minor damage. The National Architecture and Urban Life Museum was created in this building in 1984. The exhibition is extremely wealthy, emphasizing the local craftsmen’s outstanding mastery. The collections include Gyumri’s modern artwork, carpets, and crafts, all of which are typical of a wealthy Gyumri family.
The well-established transport infrastructure of Armenia allows to get to Dzitoghtsyan Museum of National Architecture by a private car or with the help of various travel companies which offer regular excursions and tours to different sights of the country. Due to the geographical location of Dzitoghtsyan Museum of National Architecture the trip will not seem long.
The high season in Armenia lasts for a long time due to the pleasant climate conditions. Warm days in Armenia start in March and last until late autumn; winter is usually snowless and not long. The high precipitation season is variable. The tourist season for Dzitoghtsyan Museum of National Architecture depends on the weather conditions.
After the 1830s, Armenian families from Western Armenia migrated to Gyumri and brought with them the idea of a new apartment buildings. Changes were made to the economic part of the house, rooms designed for the household were reduced or removed (a barn, a shed), on the place of which living rooms were built or the yard was expanded. This style was also used in the construction of the house of Dzitoghtsyan, which today is House-Museum of Social Life and National Architecture of Gyumri.
43 km
20 km